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Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium (E.Y.P.P.) is additional government funding, up to £350 per year, for eligible three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits, or if the child is adopted, in local authority care, subject to a special guardianship or child arrangements order.

The child must access universal government funded hours and E.Y.P.P. is paid directly to the early years childcare provider in North Yorkshire. The E.Y.P.P. funding can be used in any way the childcare provider chooses. It is aimed at improving the quality of the early years education for the child, who, in most cases will be deemed to be disadvantaged compared to their peers. 

The amount paid will depend on the number of universal government funded hours that the child is accessing at a childcare provider. Once a child receives E.Y.P.P. they will continue to be eligible until they no longer access their early years government funded hours.

What it pays for?

Funding equates to £350 per child per year (pro-rata for children who access less than the full free early years entitlement) and early years providers can choose how they use the money to improve the quality of provision they offer. At Pickering Pre-School, we will use this funding to implement interventions and strategies that will support disadvantaged pupils, help to raise attainment and narrow the gap between them and their peers.


Who is eligible? 

Early Years Pupil Premium can be claimed by the early education provider if a child at their setting is accessing free early education and the child is:

  • aged 3 or 4 (but not 4 year-olds in reception class at school)
  • living in England
  • has left care under an adoption order or a special guardianship order or a residence order/child arrangements order


  • the child’s parent or carer is in receipt of a qualifying benefit.

The parent must complete a parental agreement form with the childcare provider and give their national insurance number, date of birth, full name, and their permission for the childcare provider to check eligibility. We then enter this into our NYC funding portal.



 Full details of eligibility can be found on the "" website. Please click here for this.